(Environment Minister Melissa Price - ready to lecture the world)
Remember Kevin Rudd's delegation to Copenhagen?
The one where the Chinese rat-f*ckers tried to rat-f*ck him?
That was the urgent, essential-to-get-agreement Climate Change Conference number 15.
There've been 8 more urgent, essential-to-get-agreement conferences since, including COP 21 in Paris.
We're now up to COP 24 - and like Rudd in Copenhagen, we're sending a delegation.
Ours is going to tell other countries they should be doing more on climate change.
This year's Australian lecturer-in-chief is Kalgoorlie-born lawyer Melissa Price.
Ms Price comes from a Labor family, her grandfather, David Dellar, and uncle Stan were Labor MPs in the WA Parliament. Malcolm Turnbull made Ms Price the Assistant Minister for the Environment, with particular responsibility for the Great Barrier Reef.
She's been a Minister since 28 August when Scott Morrison promoted her to the Cabinet. And she's in the mood to make her mark.
Ms Price tells us that the Morrison Government, "Is committed to the Paris Agreement and our emissions reduction targets."
President Trump and the 325 million people of the USA aren't.
They seem to be doing better out than in.
Ms Price says it's in our national, regional and global interests to be there.
She doesn't say how, we've got to take her word for it.
Her priority in Poland?
The rules.
Just like Kevin, she's after detailed programmatic specificity, or in her case "good progress" on the rules governing the way the Paris Agreement is implemented.
That's no surprise given that Ms Price is a lawyer.
While Australia is being loaded up with programmatic specificity on the Paris "rules" - the USA and its 325 million people will be have to get by without them.
But Australia isn't happy with programmatic specificity just for us. Ms Price is leading a delegation to lecture the rest of the world on "the rules" too.
Ms Price says, "Australia’s emissions reporting is of an exceptionally high standard and we are advocating for rules that bring other countries up to the standard to which we adhere."
I'd imagine President Trump's not losing too much sleep over missing out on the standard to which we adhere.
Good luck with the finger-wagging Melissa.

24th Conference of the Parties
Media release
29 November 2018
I will travel to Katowice, Poland, to lead Australia’s delegation to the 24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
The Government is committed to the Paris Agreement and our emissions reduction targets.
Australia’s participation in the Paris Agreement and in COP 24 is in our national interest, in the interests of the Indo-Pacific region, and the international community as a whole.
A priority for Australia at COP24 is to make good progress on the rules that will govern the implementation of the Paris Agreement.
These rules are critical to transparency and future action under the Paris Agreement. Australia expects that the rules will enable a clearer understanding of what countries are committing to, whether countries are meeting these commitments and how emissions are tracking.
Australia’s emissions reporting is of an exceptionally high standard and we are advocating for rules that bring other countries up to the standard to which we adhere.