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Army has its own Military Police - why are the political AFP involved in Afghanistan investigations?

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Military Police - Australian Defence Force Investigator

The Military Police Australian Defence Force Investigator (ECN 315-3) is a Regular and Reserve employment category that provides Army with a serious, complex and sensitive investigative capability domestically and overseas. This includes tasks such as crime scene examinations, investigation of incidents and the collection, recording and subsequent presentation of evidence at judicial proceedings. Australian Defence Force Investigators also work with State, Territory and Australian Federal Police.

Recruitment into the Investigator category is primarily through Military Police - General Duties although personnel may be recognised given their previous employment or experience as suitable for expedited transfer into the category.

The Military Police Australian Defence Force Investigator employment category is further divided into two sub-categories, Australian Defence Force Investigator (ECN 315-31), and Australian Defence Force Investigator Specialist (ECN 315-32).

The Australian Defence Force Investigator Specialist employment category (ECN 315-32) provide Defence with advanced skills in Incident Scene Examiner (Forensic) and additional specialist serious, complex and sensitive investigative subject matter expertise acquired through the conduct of selected specialist training courses, civilian police secondments, work placements, tertiary education and other formal education and training. An Australian Defence Force Investigator Specialist demonstrates enhanced competence and is expected to lead major investigations relating to their selected specialisation.

Upon qualifying as a military Police Australian Defence Force Investigator, individuals are posted to work within a Tri-Service unit known as the Australian Defence Force Investigation Service (ADFIS). Follow on postings are based upon the service need, career development needs and individual preferences.

Professional Standards

Regardless of the type of entry (enlisted or Officer) and / or employment category you may choose, the Royal Australian Corps of Military Police are seeking individuals who personify the character, professional and ethical standards and qualities expected of Military Police, who, by virtue of their appointment, are placed in a position of authority and trust.

Military Police Professional Ethos

Military Police are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards and integrity associated with a position of trust and are expected to embody the Royal Australian Corps of Military Police qualities, exercising prudent judgement and discretion in their private and social life. Regardless of the environment in which they work, Military Police have continual contact with all ranks and Services and civilians. Military Police are required to understand and empathise with indigenous cultures, communicate across cultural barriers and interact in detail with the local populace that may involve accessing sensitive personal information as part of their police duties, including investigations; therefore the highest levels of personal integrity, discretion and tact are mandatory.

Royal Australian Corps of Military Police Qualities

In addition to the Army values of Courage, Initiative, Respect and Teamwork, Military Police are expected to embody the Royal Australian Corps of Military Police qualities as follows:

  • Commitment: motivation towards mission achievement, particularly in police duties on operations or domestically
  • Integrity: reliability and suitability to exercise power over others, influence justice systems, and access privileged information
  • Tradecraft: application of intelligence and investigative techniques, police procedures and legal authority
  • Operational skills: ability as a planner, leader and soldier
  • Communication skills: ability to provide, receive, obtain and assess information

Service Police Code of Conduct

The Service Police Code of Conduct binds Military Police, as part of the Service Police community, as follows:

A Service Police member must, at all times, engage in behaviour that does not call into question their standing to be a fit and proper person to undertake Service policing duties. In particular, they are to:

  • Act with due care and diligence, including complying with all authorised Service Police practises and procedures in the performance of their policing duties
  • Act with honesty, propriety and integrity, including not making improper use of position, resources or information obtained in the course of policing duties
  • Act with fairness, reasonableness, courtesy and respect, without favour or discrimination, to all persons, particularly with respect to victims and complainants
  • Refrain from disproportionate and unlawful use of force
  • Ensure private interests do not conflict with official duties, including acting with objectivity and without bias influenced by person interests, beliefs, attitudes, or interests of friends, family or colleagues
  • Display the highest standards of personal behaviour, including complying with civil and military law, whether on or off duty, so as not to bring discredit upon Service Police
  • Report all alleged unlawful and criminal conduct, corrupt practices, dishonest or unethical conduct, breaches of discipline, conflicts of interest, and breaches of the Service Police Code of Conduct
