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December 2018

Leichhardt Council's catastrophe on Sydney Harbour

Matt Watts sends us these photos from Sydney Harbour today.

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It's no surprise that Sydney's trendy inner-West council wards are dominated by The Greens.

It's infuriating to see ratepayers money wasted - to deceive people.

Fort Denison in Sydney Harbour tells a very different story.

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Here are some facts - as presented by Craig Kelly MP.



Dangerous rising sea levels are one the biggest scare tactics used by the Global Warming Alarmist establishment. 

This hysteria is used to justify; higher taxes, bigger government and more subsidies to their associates in the wind turbine industry - all in the belief that King Canute like we can hold back the seven seas from rising.

For example, 

* The Rudd/Gillard/Rudd government's official Climate Commissioner and former Australian-of-the-Year, Tim Flannery has prophesied of 25 metre sea level rises. 

"Picture an eight-storey building by a beach, then imagine waves lapping its roof," Flannery terrifyingly warned of.

* 'Our' ABC runs alarmist headlines such as; "Brisbane, Sydney among cities that will slip under the waves with 2 degree Celsius global warming", warning that an "estimated 90,000 Sydneysiders live in areas that would eventually become ocean ..."

* Labor's Deputy Opposition leader Tanya Plibersek tells stories of islands that have "already been swallowed by the rising ocean". And when questioned on the claim, in parliament she farcically held up a picture of the open ocean as "proof" that the vanished island had been consumed by rising seas. (Although there was some confusion whether Ms Plibersek's vanished island was called Eneko, Aneko or Atlantis)

However, to examine what's really happening with "rising sea levels" perhaps Ms Plibersek could have checked out the Sydney Harbour foreshore in her own electorate, and looked at a few historical photo's or examined the tide gauges which been measuring sea levels at Fort Denison ever since 1865.


Fort Denison, is one of eight islands in Sydney Harbour, and was originally named "Rock Island" by Governor Arthur Phillip soon after European settlement.

Noted for its distinctive, rocky topography, the island originally rose almost 15 metres above sea level.

In 1841, the island was levelled to the sea line to make way for a fortification in response to a perceived threat after two American warships entered the harbour at night and circled the Island.

The levelling of the Island can be considered one of the earliest 'heritage issues' in Sydney. The Presbyterian minster John Dunmore Lang derided its destruction as "the folly of man" and described the intact island as a 'natural ornament of the harbour' which had stood 'like a sentinel keeping watch upon the harbour for thousands of years'. 

The original construction plans were abandoned, and only resumed in 1855 due to fear of a Russian naval attack during the Crimean War. 

The construction of Fort Denison was completed on 14 November 1857, and in 1865 a tide gauge was established by the Government Astronomer from the Sydney Observatory, and ever since, seas levels have been measured at Fort Denison, providing one of the longest running sea level records in the world.

No less an authority than the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) records that the sea level rise at Fort Denison is "averaging 0.65 millimeters/year based on monthly mean sea level data from 1886 to 2010".

That's 0.65mm a year, or 6.5mm a decade, or 6.5cm (about 2.5 inches) over an entire century. 


One of Australia’s foremost experts on the relationship between climate change and sea levels, Phil Wilson has written a peer-reviewed paper concluding that rises in sea levels are “decelerating”.

Based on the century-long tide gauge records at Fort Denison as well as; Fremantle, Western Australia (from 1897 to present), Auckland Harbour in New Zealand (1903 to present), and Pilot Station at Newcastle (1925 to present), the analysis finds there was a “consistent trend of weak deceleration” from 1940 to 2000.

Climate change researcher Howard Brady, at Macquarie University, said the recent research meant sea levels rises accepted by the CSIRO were “already dead in the water as having no sound basis in probability”.

“In all cases, it is clear that sea-level rise, although occurring, has been decelerating for at least the last half of the 20th century, and so the present trend would only produce sea level rise of around 15cm for the 21st century.”

Dr Brady said the divergence between the sea-level trends from (computer) models and sea-level trends from the tide gauge records was now so great “it is clear there is a serious problem with the models”.

Fancy that.


But if there is one scientist who knows more about sea levels than anyone else in the world it is the Swedish geologist and physicist Nils-Axel Mörner, formerly chairman of the INQUA International Commission on Sea Level Change. 

Dr Mörner, who for 35 years has been using every known scientific method to study sea levels all over the globe, is that all this talk about the sea rising is nothing but "a colossal scare story."

Despite fluctuations down as well as up, “the sea is not rising,” he says. “It hasn’t risen in 50 years.” If there is any rise this century it will “not be more than 10cm (four inches), with an uncertainty of plus or minus 10cm”. 

And quite apart from examining the hard evidence, he says, the elementary laws of physics (latent heat needed to melt ice) tell us that the apocalypse conjured up by�Al Gore and Co "could not possibly come about".


Lost two packages of cocaine at the beach? They're waiting for you at Bundy Police Station!

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Suspicious white powder washes up on Bundaberg beaches

Queensland Police Service are seeking public assistance after two parcels of white powder were located washed up on beaches recently in the Bundaberg area.

Members of the public contacted police after discovering two separate one-kilogram packages containing a powder substance at Elliott Heads on December 21 and Mon Repos on December 27.

Superintendent Craig Hawkins of the Wide Bay Burnett District said police are now seeking further information from the public over concerns the contents of these packages could become a health risk if handled by the finder.

“Any further information we can get from the public may help us establish the locations of further packages,” Superintendent Hawkins said.

“Anyone who was at sea or on the coastline near these locations and saw anything suspicious in the water or other suspicious activity is urged to contact police.

Superintendent Hawkins said whilst the two packages have been on Bundaberg beaches it is possible there are other packages that may wash up along the coast, due to tidal flows and ocean currents.

The public are urged to contact police should further packages be located and to not open them as the substance could be hazardous.

If anyone saw anything suspicious or has located items, please report this to police. It could be valuable information to police

Superintendent Hawkins added that police are waiting the results of forensic examination of the powder, however the way they are packaged and the manner in which they were located, is obviously suspicious and concerning.

If you have information for police, contact Policelink on 131 444 or provide information using the online form 24hrs per day.

You can report information about crime anonymously to Crime Stoppers, a registered charity and community volunteer organisation, by calling 1800 333 000 or via 24hrs per day.

Dan Andrews answer to Victoria's gang violence problem - look out for each other

The Andrews response to Victoria's violence.

Meanwhile in the real world.

Chelsea Beachgoers attacked in horror night

People have been attacked at Chelsea Beach. Picture: Mark Stewart
People have been attacked at Chelsea Beach. Picture: Mark Stewart

Youths have glassed a young man, bashed others and robbed beachgoers of their belongings during a horror night on a Melbourne beach last night, which coincided with police being pelted with rocks in the western suburbs.

A series of incidents throughout the night at Chelsea Beach, in Melbourne’s southeast, culminated in what witnesses said was a series of crimes committed by a group of teenagers of African appearance.

This saw unattended belongings stolen from the beach at about 9.30pm.

A man reportedly saw them and confronted them, before being assaulted. According to 3AW, the youths then fled.

Three men, aged 25, 28 and 30, were later approached, assaulted and the attackers stole a mobile phone.

A 19-year-old man reportedly had a glass bottle smashed over his head, and was taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

Victoria Police are holding a press conference about the matter this morning.

This comes after six youths were arrested over an unrelated brawl and a separate robbery in St Albans, in the northwestern suburbs, that took place on Christmas Eve.

Those arrests followed Facebook posts urging vigilante groups be formed by members of the Vietnamese community to battle what was claimed to be increasing violence by youths of African appearance.

The arrests were made after police were called to the Sunshine train station where they found a large group of youths at 10.30pm last night.

“While police were arresting the teens others from the large gathering started throwing rocks at police, injuring one officer from the Public Order Response Team,” a police spokeswoman said.

Two of the arrested males were believed to have been involved in the December 24 brawl, while four were allegedly involved in a robbery in St Albans on December 19.

The Australian today on Waleed Aly's unbelievable double-standards

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Searched at an airport? Horrific. Waleed Aly, Network Ten’s The Project, December 19:

I’ve only … (been searched) once … (as) I was trying to leave Israel and … it just went for hours, basically … I did have to undo my jeans. And the thing about it is that you don’t know where it’s going to end. And they explain nothing … So you’re just in this situation, you don’t know why. The power imbalance is horrific … I’ve never left a situation more shaken or angry … We don’t need more of that.

Blown up by a terrorist? Irritating. Aly, The Sydney Morning Herald, April 19, 2013:

US President Barack Obama’s (response to the Boston Marathon bombing) was cool and authoritative … This is a far cry from the kind of hysteria that typically follows a terrorist attack … It’s almost as if we’re dealing with an unfortunate matter of routine … I have two theories on this. The most encouraging one is that we’re fin­ally maturing in the way we handle terrorism. Gone is the triumphalist rhetoric … In its place is a far more sober, pragmatic recognition that terrorism is a perpetual irritant …

Debunking the disgraceful allegations against George Christensen

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You might have read elsewhere of the front-page stories about George Christensen.

Here's George's response today.

Go hard George.  I hope you make a motza out of the a-holes behind this gutless attack.

The dirty tricks have well and truly begun in the lead-up to next year’s election campaign.

This week my lawyers have written to and received a response from the Australian Federal Police (AFP) in relation to recent false allegations in the media.

In their letter, which I have released in full to the Courier Mail, the AFP make it clear that the allegation which triggered an automatic assessment by the AFP (as all allegations do) was made by an individual and not a government agency as has been claimed by certain media outlets. The AFP have stated that the allegation was made by an individual who had no knowledge of the conduct they were alleging. It is now widely known this individual was a Labor MP.

This debunks claims that government agencies such as AUSTRAC and DFAT had referred allegations to the AFP months before a Labor MP referred their allegations. There was only ever one referral and that was made by a Labor MP.

More importantly, the AFP have categorically denied they had any concern over so-called encrypted messages on my mobile phone or any other electronic device. The AFP also confirm that, in the wake of media reports, I have offered them my mobile phone to inspect and they have declined the offer because they have no concerns with it or any messages on it.

These two fake allegations were passed off as fact in the media in articles published in print and online which have named me. Journalists also named me in connection with these fake allegations and claimed they were fact on Twitter.

I have clear legal advice that I have been defamed and have issued instructions to my solicitors to seek redress for these defamatory claims.

Now that the facts are clear, I call on all media outlets who have published these claims to immediately retract them and to apologise publicly for publishing fake allegations.

Finally, I repeat that the AFP have advised in their letter that the allegations made against me were not supported by any information or evidence, and that I have not committed any criminal conduct. In all fairness, this must now end this matter.

Here is the Courier Mail story in full:

George Christensen in clear as federal police reject allegations

FEDERAL police have knocked back George Christensen’s offer to hand over his phone for examination as they take the extraordinary step of systematically rejecting the scandalous allegations levelled against the Dawson MP.

New details can be revealed today as marginal seat holders brace themselves for one of the dirtiest election campaigns in recent history.

The rare step by the Australian Federal Police points to their belief that the unfounded referral against Mr Christensen was politically motivated and a waste of taxpayers’ money.

Last week it was reported that a federal MP was travelling and sending money to “seedy” neighbourhoods in South-East Asia. Mr Christensen, who met his fiancee in the Philippines, travels there regularly for philanthropic reasons and is connected to a number of Christians in the region.

The AFP do not reveal who they are investigating and rarely reveal that a referral was unfounded. However, Deputy Commissioner Ramzi Jabbour has refuted the claims made against Mr Christensen.

He stated there was never a referral from a government agency into the MP’s travel, or from the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre.

A senior Labor MP is believed to have made a referral.

Mr Jabbour put in writing that:

• “The AFP completed a thorough assessment in relation to this matter and found there was no evidence or other information to support the allegation or establish criminal conduct on the part of Mr Christensen.

• “The AFP received information alleging that MP George Christensen engaged in conduct overseas potentially in contravention of Australian law. The information was provided to the AFP by a third party with no direct knowledge of the alleged conduct. The assessment was not triggered by a referral from a government agency.

• “AFP inquiries were not inhibited due to an inability to access encrypted messages Mr Christensen sent online.

• “The AFP can confirm that in the wake of media reports relating to encrypted messages, Mr Christensen has offered his mobile device to the AFP for examination and that offer has been declined.”

A furious Mr Christensen, whose marginal seat is being eyed by Labor, said the allegations were a new low in politics.

“The AFP have stated that the allegation was made by an individual who had no knowledge of the conduct they were alleging. It is now widely known this individual was a Labor MP,’’ he said.

“This debunks claims that government agencies such as AUSTRAC and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade had referred allegations to the AFP months before a Labor MP referred their allegations. There was only ever one referral and that was made by a Labor MP.

“The AFP have categorically denied they had any concern over so-called encrypted messages on my mobile phone.”



Julie Bishop bails on Sydney to Hobart when the cameras ran out

She was there for the cameras in the lead up to the race.

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She was there for the cameras today.

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And when Wild Oats X passed the last of the cameras she jumped ship.

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But she didn't do it for the publicity, surely?


The obvious metaphor was not lost on Channel 7 News.