Why was it OK for Turnbull to intervene in Craig Kelly's preselection in 2016?
Victoria Police ran a defence lawyer as an informant, while she was representing clients charged by police

Scott Morrison has himself to blame - read his glowing endorsement of "Empathy-Malcolm"

I published this on 31 August - it's only taken 3 months for the snake Turnbull to turn.

Scott, you really are a dickhead.

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Scott Morrison piles it higher and deeper in this statement about Turnbull

Of all the bullshit in this awful and frightening statement about Turnbull is the claim that Turnbull had empathy for his fellow citizens.

There are so many false claims - read the whole statement, it's full of it.

Don't people like Scott realise they'll have to live with this endorsement long after Turnbull is gone?

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