US Attorney General on Mueller Report - no evidence of Trump colluding with Russia
Reports of Trump's imminent demise have been somewhat exaggerated

President Trump has a message for the conspiracy theorists at ABC 4 Corners

Last June ABC 4 Corners dedicated 3 weeks to the bogus, fictional story that the Trump presidential campaign colluded with Russia.

Today, President Trump has a message for them.

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ABC 4 Corners took no interest when police armed with a search warrant raided the former office of then sitting Prime Minister Gillard.

But they found 3 full weeks of precious airtime to rehash bizarre conspiracy theories about the US President.

Trump is right.  They truly deserve scorn and ridicule.

Here's part of our story from May 2018.

ABC 4 Corners - Democrats' Trump/Russia allegations "story of the century" - dedicates 3 episodes to the story

The people who gave you the compere for Crooked Hillary's Sydney speaking gig......

The makers of the world's softest one-on-one with the shoulda-been POTUS......

And the fawning promoters of Jim Comey's tell-bugger-all paperback pamphlet bring you



The story of the century?

No, not uncovering the DNC and Obama DoJ "get Trump" plans.

This story from the Australian taxpayer funded ABC is on board with the Democrats and their program.

3 very expensive episodes of 4Corners dedicated to believing all that the Democrats said about Trump is really true?

When do the grownups come home at the ABC?
