President Trump on the pending release of the Clinton/Obama inspired wiretap warrants
#I'mWithMikeCarlton - here's hoping he's right!

How delusional we have become if this is the new face of our tolerance

Thanks to Jason Morrison for these snapshots of our community on ANZAC Day - Jason said:

We have a lot of problems in Australia if we now need sharp shooters, war-zone like barricades, and semi-trailers to protect the ANZAC march and commemorations.


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We have gone crazy with our embrace of "tolerance" and "diversity".

Meanwhile in a very confident Muslim nation that's sure of its own identity - Malaysia - we celebrated an overtly Christian Anzac Day with not the slightest problem at all.

So why the need to kow-tow to Islamists in Australia and New Zealand?

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Lest We Forget.
