Top Gear on Shorten's electric car policy - it should sink Shorten but braindead Morrison is just as bad
Saturday, 06 April 2019
Shorten's electric car policy should have sealed his fate.
The Liberals should be all over him like a rash - pointing out how long it takes to charge one car, its limited range, limited towing power etc etc etc.
Instead - crickets.
Aussies hate being told what they can and can't spend their money on - particularly with cars.
Holden Special Vehicles summed the market up very well with its "I just want one" campaign.
Morrison should be appealing to that free enterprise, free choice, free country spirit of Australia.
But instead of that, the LNP government's policy is just about identical to Shorten's - it's here in this brain-dead, trendy, expensive and wasteful government policy document:
Labor doesn't miss in hitting the Liberals, particularly at Senate Estimates - here's Krsistina Keneally:
“Just so I’m clear, the government’s climate solutions policy includes a climate solution package that’s projecting a 10 mega tonnes CO2 abatement number that could come from an electric vehicle strategy, that sees 25 to 50% of new car sales in 2030 as electric vehicles?”
“That’s right” officials said.
Prime Minister Morrison will announce the election date within the next week.
That's 7 days to announce we'll exit Paris, put Australians first - and find and kill off all the last Turnbull relics - like electric cars!