Perspective from Pauline - should we bring back Karl!!!
Victoria Police contacted Shorten rape complainant today - she is satisfied police are taking her complaint seriously

Their ABC's Stan Grant is unconcerned that our next PM (maybe) is accused of rape

Good onya Bill for finding 'em and asking 'em.

It's amazing to watch Stan Grant's reaction.

He hadn't heard of the allegations against the man who would be PM - OK, fair enough, maybe he'd missed the stories.

But what does matter is that Stan just does not care.

There was no, "What?  Tell me more.  This is the age of unfolding revelations about men who rape or abuse women.  Are you telling me the next PM of Australia.....etc etc etc".

None of that.  Just complete indifference.

Might be different if he had his concerned face on and was filming an ad for White Ribbon or pretending to be real during a nicely paid speech.
