And the Senate is where it will get interesting for the government.
Here's the current Senate composition:

Labor and The Greens - 35
LNP - 35
One Nation - 2
Team Xenophon - 2
Cory Bernardi
Jacquie Lambie
On Saturday, Nine's newspapers ran a story about the bill, including this paragraph:
On its union bills, the government already counts the two votes of Pauline Hanson's One Nation, and the vote of the senator Cory Bernardi. That means it need convince only Tasmania's Jacqui Lambie to support it to make the bills law. Or one or both of the South Australian senators of the Centre Alliance, the legacy of Nick Xenophon
May I suggest that the government shouldn't count its chicks before they've hatched.
It may well be that prior to empowering this government with new legislation, many, many people - just like you - would expect to see action on the union-corruption that's been staring this government in the face for far too long - The AWU Scandal.
If the government is serious about union corruption, it's fair enough to ask it the question - why have you allowed corrupt Thiess executives along with GILLARD and Bruce WILSON to walk away unscathed from their taxpayer-funded crimes?
You'll read much more about this issue here shortly - including a 20 page submission to Senators and the Attorney General from retired DETSGT Dave McAlpine.
Here's The Australian today.
Union integrity bill passes
Proposed laws making it easier to disqualify union officials and deregister unions have passed the Lower House but will not be voted on by the Senate before late October.
Lower House MPs voted 75-67 in support of the Coalition’s Ensuring Integrity Bill today with the government now facing the challenge of meeting concerns expressed by the Senate crossbench about the proposals.
In Parliament today, Attorney-General, Christian Porter, sought to rebuff ALP and union claims that unions could face deregistration by the Federal Court for relatively minor civil breaches.
Mr Porter also again denied Labor and union claims the legislation would open the way for the nurses’ union to be deregistered if members took unprotected industrial action in support of better staff ratios.
The opposition and the ACTU insist passage of the Coalition’s Ensuring Integrity Bill would allow the Federal Court to deregister the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation if nurses took unprotected action to protest unsafe staffing levels at a hospital or aged-care facility.
But Mr Porter said today the claim was patently absurd, saying no nurses’ union had engaged in the type of systemic unlawful conduct that would provide the basis for a court to deregister them.
In considering whether it would be “just, in all the circumstances” to deregister an organisation, the government says the bill expressly requires the Federal Court to consider the nature of the matter giving rise to the application and what is in the best interests of the members of the organisation as a whole.
Mr Porter also rejected claims by Greens MP Adam Bandt that industrial action by bus drivers was potential grounds for deregistering their union under the bill.
The bill will be subject to a Senate inquiry reporting by October 25 before being voted on in the Senate.
The Lower House will tomorrow vote on a second workplace relations bill to apply tougher governance rules to worker entitlement funds