Tom Cruise running for President
Compare and contrast good backhanders with bad ones. Actually bad one only, that's because it's Alan Jones.

Cardinal Pell's appeal is dismissed - conviction upheld

2-1 decision.

Summary of the judgement here soon.

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"The complainant's evidence had the ring of truth".

Chief Justice Ferguson and President Maxwell personally examined the Cardinal's robes to test their "manoeuvrability".  They concluded that the robes could be "moved to one side".

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Justice Weinberg is the dissenting Judge. He believed there was real doubt about the complainant's evidence and reasonable doubt as to whether Cardinal Pell could have committed the offences charged against him.

Chief Justice Ferguson, "Take Cardinal Pell from the courtroom please".

The sound of a squeaking hinge was as close as we got to seeing Cardinal Pell.

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Justice Weinberg's visage of judicial impassivity appeared to admit a modicum of emotion.

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And by 10AM it was over - court adjourned.

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