Victoria Police & AFP make arrests & execute warrants over construction industry secret commissions
Got info on SECRET COMMISSIONS in the building industry? Police urge you to come forward.

Victoria Police, AFP and IBAC - how can you ignore Judge Murphy's secret commissions file

Bernard Murphy's Bruce ... by Michael Smith on Scribd

(The hand written notes are transcribed here.)

My editorial on discovery of these notes in October 2017.


Here are some extracts from the file

This is the file copy of Bernard Murphy's 14 August 1995 letter to Wilson.

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This is the cover sheet for the file.

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here's the authority to write off the fees in acting for Wilson

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And here are notes of a conversation between Bernard Murphy and John Cain Jr of Maurice Blackburn - note the reference to secret commissions from Thiess and consequences if Wilson doesn't take package and leave.

Note also the date - 10 August 1995.

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