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Police Remembrance Day

The Royal Australian Mint has released this $2 coin in recognition of this 30th anniversary of Police Remembrance Day.

The official date is 29 September which this year falls on Sunday. 

Police forces around Australia are taking part in ceremonies today to mark the event.

We pause to honour our colleagues who've been killed on duty.

For me there are some very personal links.

Angela Rose Taylor was murdered by Craig Minogue and others in the 1986 Russell Street bombing.

I was at the Academy for Constable Taylor's funeral and feel privileged and humbled to have been awarded the Angela Taylor Memorial Prize when I graduated.

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Thank you for your service and sacrifice Angela.

Steve Tynan and Damian Eyre were at the Academy with my squad-mates and me.

In 1988 vicious killers lured Steve and Damian to an ambush in Walsh Street South Yarra.

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Steve and Damian were cut down with shotgun blasts then finished off with point-blank shots from their own service revolvers. 


I had the privilege of leading the funeral parade with full police honours out of the Victoria Police Academy.

I will never forget right wheeling out of the Academy to be confronted with thousands of police in uniforms representing the whole country standing shoulder to shoulder lining the street.  It was a very long, slow march as one by one they saluted those brave young blokes.

Thank you for your service and sacrifice Steve and Damo.

I also served with Gary Silk, my regular partner on the Port Melbourne divvy van.

In August 1996 Gary and Rod Miller were sitting off an armed robbery target, the Silky Emperor Restaurant in Moorabbin.

Vicious criminals Bandali Debs and Jason Roberts shot and killed them from behind.  They didn't stand a chance.

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It's a privilege to have known and worked with you Gary, thank you for your service and sacrifice.

We talk a lot about our Glorious Dead from wars and we give thanks for our veterans who've served overseas.

Police face deadly risks every day they go to work.

And not just for the months of a deployment.  Year in, year out.

There's no Gold Card for police, no Department of Veterans Affairs looking out for them and no TPI pension either.

Lest We Forget.

