Hillary's "Reasons I Lost" file continues to grow
Tony Abbott finally speaks out - "Turnbull's ambition was my undoing"

Bill Shorten wants to be "in public life" for the next 20 years

Screen Shot 2019-10-06 at 6.55.20 am

That magnificent photo which captures the essence of The Shortens is the work of the very talented artist Alex Coppel.

Superb.  No real need for the article - but here it is anyway!


Bill Shorten admits Labor loss was all his fault

Former opposition leader Bill Shorten says he’s fully responsible for Labor’s surprise loss at the federal election, and believes the party gave out too many messages in the lead-up.

Insisting he’s given up his aim to be prime minister, Mr Shorten confirmed he will recontest his inner Melbourne seat at the next election. But he said he had to take responsibility for Labor’s electoral loss in May because “I’d have owned it if I won”.

“One thing that I did decide immediately right in the hour when I realised that we were going to lose is that I should take responsibility - that’s why I stepped down as leader,” he told the Sunday Herald Sun.

“I just thought the buck stops with me at me so I’ve got take responsibility.”

The 52-year-old also said he thought Labor had too many messages going into the election.

“In a universe where you can re-run things - of course we can’t - fewer messages,” he said.

“I also accept that our proposals, our tax reforms around franking credits, created a sense of vulnerability and anxiety among older Australians which I clearly underestimated.

“In hindsight the risk was bigger than we realised.

“Now I accept just the holus bolus rollout of franking credits created an anxiety in parts of the community especially amongst older Australians, both in reality, but also left them susceptible to the argument that there were further changes.”

The former Labor leader responded “no” when asked if he wanted the top role again.

“I’ve hung up my leadership running shoes and I support Anthony (Albanese),” he said.

However the election defeat hasn’t put Mr Shorten off politics or dampened his desire to represent people, and he plans to contest his seat of Maribyrnong at the next election.

“It is my intention to try and be in public life for the next 20 years,” Mr Shorten said.
