The Gillard proxy "MichaelTDA" has done us a service by pointing out an opportunity to strengthen the Brief of Evidence in my private prosecution - here's the comment:

I don't have the resources of a police force of DPP at my disposal, and I've no access to instruments of compulsion like warrants.
So I'm relying in you, our readers to help out with some expert commentary.
This is the Memorandum in question:

It purports to have been written in response to this letter addressed to

Note the letter is addressed to the partnership, Slater and Gordon, Barristers and Solicitors at the partnership's Melbourne PO Box.
There are many forensic pointers, along with witness evidence from former Corporate Affairs officials Mr Ramon Neal and Mr Ralph Mineif that mark out the WA letter as a forgery - but the focus of this article is on the 21 May Gillard to Blewitt Memorandum.
And so over to you.
I seek expert commentary from lawyers, paralegals, secretaries and others who can give us expert advice about the law, customs and practices in law firms in Victoria in 1992 in communicating with clients and passing on information/correspondence from or undertakings given to government officials like the WA Commissioner for Corporate Affairs.
Some observations from me
- The Gillard Memo is not from the addressee of the WA Corporate Affairs letter - "Slater and Gordon, Barristers and Solicitors".
- It's from Julia Gillard of no address and no phone number.
- It's unsigned, with the typed name "JULIA". Why would that be?
- It contains no file number to match the WA correspondence.
The memo to Mr Blewitt purports to enclose the forged letter to Slater and Gordon.
But the memo bears no mention of the firm. No reference. No telephone number.
There's no address or positional information for Mr Blewitt. Nor for "Julia". Not even a surname.
Just JULIA .
My position on the memo
There's good reason the Memo is not on Slater and Gordon letterhead.
I say it was created after Mr Wilson and Ms Gillard were caught out in August 1995.
By then the Slater and Gordon letterhead had changed.

After August 1995 Ms Gillard and/or Bruce Wilson didn't have access to the firm's letterhead as it existed in May 1992 when this "Memo" was purportedly created.
Blewitt says he never received or saw the purported 21 May 1992 memo until it was produced at the Trade Union Royal Commission.
He states that if he'd been told to do what the memo says he would have done it.
And we know he didn't.
There was no rule change.
There was no Rule 3A.
The rules were filed at the Office of State Corporate Affairs and are publicly available.
The most senior official at that office at the time and his deputy independently state there was no letter from the "Commission" (sic) or Office of State Corporate Affairs in the form set out above. Ray Neal says he didn't write, sign or authorise the letter.
Ms Gillard agrees she created the submission arguing the case for incorporation. She remembers that and so do former public officers.
That submission, accompanied by this cheque ($22, the fee for a review by the minister of a decision by the commissioner) went to the Minister's office and the Minister directed the Commissioner to incorporate the AWU WRA.

Specific request from practitioners
What was the legal/practice obligation on law firm correspondence with clients in the mid-1990s, including say address, phone number, file number etc?