We fund schools in the Palestinian Territories that trains kids to kill Jews
Brexit. Mission accomplished. Congratulations to the United Kingdom, and God Save The Queen!

Aussie digger Corporal X describes the horror of removing foetid corpses from a hospital morgue in Rwanda

UPDATE, it's such a privilege to operate this website and to receive a note like this.

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Corporal X, Rob and their mates were soldiers so they had to follow orders.

Corporal X was just like me, John Anon and the hundreds of thousands of Australians who sign up to put their lives on the line for Australia.

But Corporal X was asked to do some unspeakable things.

We need to hold our government to account and make sure it takes care of our veterans.

Lest We Forget.


(The photo in the audio clip is the 1995 Kibeho massacre in Rwanda, Corporal X was on the first rotation through Rwanda in 1993/94 with A COY 2/4RAR, which converted back to 2RAR of which Corporal X was a member.)
