Flags at half-mast tomorrow in memoriam for Victoria's 2009 bushfire victims
Can't disagree with Mike Carlton - Bishop and Turnbull are pathetic

Rudy Giuliani proves Joe Biden's bribery & extortion case - and I think turns the tide against The Left

We never know what age we live in until it's over.

I think the age of The Left's long march through the institutions may be closing.

I think a new age, post "The Swamp" is dawning - thanks to the courage of Donald Trump.

The Left and their Congressional Democrat wing massively overreached in impeaching Donald Trump.  

Pelosi marked the unmistakable turn of the tide with her disgraceful speech-tearing.  

And a significant minority of Democrat supporters have been turned as a result.

They are open to new beliefs that they weren't previously able to accept as truth.

"If the Dems, my party have been misleading me about this, what else are they misleading me about?"

As a direct result, forensic examinations like the one you're about to see are likely to hold much more sway than they would have even 6 months ago.

This augurs well for us in Australia, but only if we have the courage and mettle to grasp the moment.

More on the Australian implications soon.

For now, enjoy veteran prosecutor Rudy Giuliani's examination of former Ukraine prosecutor-general Viktor Shokin.

Briefly here - much more detail below.

Every touch leaves its trace.

