Well done that man!
Science is racist, we need to do away with it and start over so non-whites can make some discoveries.

QandA next Monday - Ms GILLARD now says she would've done things differently - what question will you ask her?


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I know that a number of people who've been damaged by the GILLARD/WILSON/BLEWITT/Thiess scandal have questions they'd love Julia GILLARD to answer.

Let's see if QandA's fair dinkum about putting those questions to air.

If you're going to take QandA & Ms GILLARD up on their offer, perhaps you might drop me an email with your video or written submission to

[email protected]

Who knows what QandA will put to air - there's plenty of contenders who wish GILLARD had done things differently.  If they don't publish your question, we will.

Ms GILLARD, here's something you could have done differently - how about telling the truth under oath?

Former WA Corporate Affairs chief gives sworn evidence for Gillard prosecution

A former WA corporate affairs chief has provided sworn evidence for the criminal prosecution of Julia Gillard over her allegedly misleading and deceptive evidence to the Trade Union Royal Commission.

The prosecution relates to the use of an apparently forged letter during Ms Gillard's evidence to the Royal Commission.

The letter, addressed to Ms Gillard, purports to have been written and signed by Ray Neal, then the Assistant Director of WA's Office of State Corporate Affairs.

Ms Gillard gave sworn evidence to the Royal Commission to the effect that in May 1992, she received and acted on the letter.  She could have done no such thing.

On Friday Mr Neal said, "I didn't write that letter."

"I didn't sign that letter."

"I didn't authorise anyone to write or sign the letter."

"The letter contains an unlawful offer.  My office could not lawfully have made that offer. My office always acted within the law."

This letter is a forgery.

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