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November 2020

Marise Payne appoints another LEFTY factional Liberal mate to a diplomatic post.

Will Hodgman - former Tasmanian left Lib Premier will be Australia's High Commissioner to Singapore.
Add this one to the list:
  • Washington - Arthur Sinodinos (chief Turnbull ally)
  • New Delhi - Barry O’Farrell (Photios aligned NSW  Premier - lost his job after ICAC appearance)
  • London - His Excellency the Honourable George Brandis QC (far left liberal)
  • The UN - Mitch Fifield (like Marise Payne another major Turnbull supporter)
  • Wellington - Patricia Forsythe  (far left NSW liberal, responsible for setting up the factional racket taken over by Photios)
In the Liberal Party, it pays to be left - even if your voters aren’t. 
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