Mother of the Year award axed because it doesn't celebrate LGBTQIs
Monday, 08 February 2021
we believe that the celebration of mothers in the absence of others does not truly represent all the families and care givers we celebrate daily in our contemporary world.
Motherhood used to be unquestionably good.
When I was in business we used to refer to statements of the obvious and unquestionably good as "motherhood statements".
'Good radio communications are essential to police operations'.
'Large ships need Safety of Life at Sea satellite positioning'.
I used to tell sales-people they didn't need to say things like that, they were 'motherhood statements'.
Apparently we'll need to change that name.
Motherhood is no longer good.
Diversity issue: Barnado’s axes Mother of the Year after 25 years
Children’s charity Barnado’s has axed its Mother of The Year award after 25 years because it does not celebrate other caregivers like same sex parents
Children’s charity Barnado’s has axed its Mother of The Year award after 25 years because it does not celebrate other caregivers like same sex parents and grandparents.
In a statement on Monday the organisation said it planned to launch another award which recognised the “diverse” group of caregivers but said the coronavirus pandemic had delayed those plans.
Here is Barnado's statement: