The ABC confirms it knew of John SULLIVAN's allegedly criminal role in the DC riots - but paid him for his video anyway
Wednesday, 26 May 2021
On 6 January this year, American felon John Earle Sullivan committed a range of criminal offences at the US Capitol. He made lengthy video recordings during the course of his offending.
On 8 January a US Grand Jury was sworn in to hear evidence against Sullivan.
The Grand Jury has indicted Sullivan on 8 charges and has made financial forfeiture orders relating to the proceeds of his 6 January crimes.
Here is the list of offences he's charged with.
Updated indictments against... by Michael Smith
The ABC's decision to pay Sullivan
At the Senate Estimates hearing on 27 March this year, the ABC was asked
- who authorised the $2,500 USD payment to Sullivan for his video tape
- whether the ABC was aware of his criminal role in the riots at the time payment was made; and
- who liaised with Sullivan over the payments.
Here's the ABC's considered written answer, published today:
The focus of the program was legitimately on the overwhelming majority of participants in the riot who were supporters of President Trump and supporters of far-right organisations. As stated in a response to a separate question on notice, Mr Sullivan was not interviewed.
An ABC archive producer contacted Mr Sullivan at the request of a Four Corners’ producer to source the vision. The payment was approved by the program’s Executive Producer. The program was aware of Mr Sullivan’s role in the riot. It was the fact that he was in the midst of it and captured the fatal shooting that made his footage critical to the program.
And here's the question and answer in full:
Disgraceful, unconscionable behaviour on the ABC's part.