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Pushbikes are racist.


Today in the context of increasing calls for racial justice, cycling — as a leisure activity and as a way to get around — appears to have a diversity problem. USA Cycling recently revealed that its membership was 86 percent White, 83 percent male and 50 percent middle-aged. Beginning in June 2020, Bicycling magazine gave space to Black cyclists who testified to the racially exclusionary nature of cycling. The magazine also revealed a study of police data showing that Black cyclists are stopped up to three times as often as Whites, and it reported on a recent case from Texas, in which a White man beat a Black cyclist while hurling slurs at him.

With the appointment of former NBA star Reggie Miller to Cycling USA’s Board of Directors and increasingly prominent activist groups such as Atlanta’s Civil Bikes, Black cyclists are leading the way in having cycling address its racial problems.

These problems are long-standing. From the beginning of the bicycle revolution in the 1890s, White Americans worked to stop Black men, women and children from riding bicycles. This was especially true in the South.
