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Kathy Sherriff announces a civil action against Bill Shorten alleging rape

Bill Shorten has not been ‘cleared of rape’.

This website is my story of a crime, injustice, cover up, denial and lies.

It is also the basis for my civil action against my attacker, picking up from where the criminal justice system failed.

This is my voice.

I am determined.

I will be heard.

Kathy Sherriff

Please visit Kathy's website to hear her story first hand -

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My name is Kathy Sherriff.

This website truthfully accounts the most traumatising and debilitating experience of my life, during and after being raped when I became a volunteer with the Australian Labor Party from the age of 15 until I was seventeen.

This is my story of under-age sexual assault (i.e. child rape), power, politics, humiliation, cover-ups and shameful denial of natural justice in Victoria.

At the time of, and after the rape, I was in shock, compounded by a miscarriage of my assailant’s unborn child, medically recorded at the time.

While in my mid-teens, I created and grew the largest Young Labor branch in Victoria, resulting in me being courted by politicians and influential senior ALP members. At ALP events I was the talk of the room, sought out and congratulated for my hard work.

My rapist’s actions ended all that.

I have tried to get justice, but have been failed by the so-called ‘justice’ system and by my own people of the Australian Labor Party.

Instead, the man who groomed me from the ages of 15 to 16 years old and who I reported to authorities before he entered Parliament, Bill Shorten, has been granted a path to the top position in the ALP. His attack on me was covered up in the highest legal office in the Victorian legal system, the Office of Public Prosecution (OPP), based on credible information, because of connections to my rapist.

This website will outline, why and how I became a Young Labor activist who came to the attention of Bill Shorten, an adult at university, working part-time as a volunteer in the Melbourne office of then Senator and Minister of Resources, Energy, Transport and Communications, Gareth Evans.

Bill Shorten called me each week, sometimes daily, grooming me for up to 2 or 3 hours each time. Shorten was supposed to be doing administration work but called me from the Minister’s office at 4 Treasury Place, Melbourne, while organising ALP numbers, funded by the Australian taxpayer.

This website will lay out his modus operandi, how his destruction of me was a calculated, planned operation to take me out for my membership numbers. I was preyed upon, then groomed, then isolated, then raped, then discarded, mocked, ridiculed and destroyed as a minor by Bill Shorten, an adult at the time of the rape.

He succeeded in taking me out. He has succeeded in his denials since.

As an older, mature woman, I now realise the rape was not an act of sex but a calculated act of power, to disable me, to take over my branch for my most prized possession – my membership numbers. ‘Whatever it takes’ to accumulate those numbers for personal power.

As a naive young girl, after the attack I was ashamed and confused.

I couldn’t make sense of what happened.

I have since seen high profile women speak of this same shame and confusion after a sexual assault. This is normal for a rape survivor.

I now understand I was Bill Shorten’s first political victim, the first numbers ‘notch’ on Bill Shorten’s belt. The rape was a means to debilitate me to steal my branch members.

You will learn how Bill Shorten groomed me then struck, followed by his deliberate, planned and humiliating destruction of me after the rape to finish me off. He successfully killed my spirit and my future in the Labor Party.

I will also expose the cover ups that allowed a predator to get away, scot-free and rise to the top.

I will also show how much of the media’s false narrative, that Bill Shorten has been cleared of rape is wrong, and news articles claiming my rape allegations are untrue are false and defamatory of me.

Bill Shorten has not been ‘cleared of rape’.

This website is my story of a crime, injustice, cover up, denial and lies.

It is also the basis for my civil action against my attacker, picking up from where the criminal justice system failed.

This is my voice.

I am determined.

I will be heard.

Kathy Sherriff

