The Greens - China is not a security threat - no problem with China/Solomons defence pact
Red Cross still sitting on half the money donated for flood relief

Liberal game player Trent Zimmerman can't bring himself to tell voters he’s Liberal.

Trent Zimmerman has achieved very little for the public in his political career but he sure has stacked many Liberal Party branches and interfered in preselections.

Somehow, he’s risen through the ranks despite achieving little outside of politics.

He was even once the President of the NSW Liberal Party.

So, it’s ironic that despite all his game playing with fellow lefty, Boy Minister Matt Kean, Trent is trying everything to hide his association with the Liberal party brand.

In fairness, if you look really, really closely - you can see the faintest of Liberal logos slightly camouflaged on the sign.


But it speaks volumes about this bloke’s real game.

In it for himself and his cabal of Liberal Leftists.

Never the team player - despite Morrison’s recent commitment that saved his arse.


