Ding Ding ... Labor's back. Boats are back.
Friday, 29 July 2022
In the month of June, Australian authorities intercepted four maritime people smuggling ventures from Sri Lanka with a total of 125 Sri Lankan nationals on board.
The reporting period is from 01 June 2022 to 30 June 2022.
During this reporting period, Australian authorities intercepted four maritime people smuggling ventures from Sri Lanka with a total of 125 Sri Lankan nationals on board. All 125 passengers and crew were safely returned to Sri Lanka in close cooperation with the Sri Lankan Government.
During this reporting period:
- No UMAs were transferred from Australia to a regional processing country, either as new arrivals or returning after temporary purpose in Australia;
- No UMAs voluntarily returned to their country of origin from a regional processing country;
- There were no UMAs transferred from a regional processing country to Australia for medical purposes or were an accompanying family member;
- <5 UMAs were removed voluntarily to their country of origin from Australia and no UMAs were involuntarily removed from Australia to their country of origin.
Australia's association with regional processing arrangements in PNG concluded on 31 December 2021, with management of the residual caseload in PNG transitioning to the full and independent responsibility of the PNG Government, effective 1 January 2022. Australia now supports regional processing arrangements in Nauru only.
Transitory persons under regional processing arrangements in Nauru are not in detention; all persons reside in community accommodation, with no restrictions on their movement. The processing of protection claims is a matter for the Government of Nauru.