Merry Christmas everyone! I'll be taking a short break, hope you have a happy and holy Christmas.
Phillip Adams confirmed as racist leftist turd

Snake-in-chief leftist Matt Kean at it again


Few people in Australian politics need to be flushed more than Matt Kean.

The NSW Liberal Leftie was out pretending to be in charge - announcing a made up bag of bullshit green policy … curiously timed - just as the Premier of the state went on annual leave.

This is typical Kean.

Undermining, big noting, photoshoots - aimed at looking like he’s in charge.

In truth, he’s sending all the lemming MPs who turned up as props - quickly into Opposition.

Note how they’re all dressed casually with colours assigned ….but Kean is in a suit. By the way, he has a taxpayer funded photographer taking these photos.

Is there a bigger turd in Australian politics?

