Labor's $845,650 p.a. stooge who can't recall how much she's paid.
Tuesday, 30 May 2023
Meet Employment Department Secretary Natalie James.
A Labor Party favourite and a big money public servant.
She has a key job in tough times, tinkering with the labour market and dancing the dance with the unions.
Yet she struggles answering a straight question ... like this today in a Parliament Committee hearing;
Senator James McGrath: Secretary, how much do you earn?James: Oh Senator, I don't have that matter to hand.Senator James McGrath: You don't know how much you get paid?James : UmSenator James McGrath: We're in the middle of a cost of living crisis and you don't know how much you get paid. Says plenty. Out of touch. Most Australians know exactly what they get paid. It's their total focus.
She left it to another overpaid minion to reveal the number :
A total remuneration package of $845,650.
Won't shock you to know that the Minister with her is notorious idiot Murray Watt (appearing before the Committee representing Minister Tony Burke*) who himself has never had a job that's made a product or service that anyone has ever wanted.
These are the people making your life tougher.
*Thanks to reader Mike for the clarification on Murray Watts' role at the Committee hearing with Ms James.