The Liberal Party pays tribute to Tony Abbott on the 10th anniversary of his election win
Thursday, 07 September 2023
Dear Michael,
Today marks 10 years since our Party won the 2013 election.
After almost winning in 2010, Tony Abbott led our team with energy and discipline, picking up a further 18 seats in 2013 to win in a landslide.
In doing so, he became just the fourth Liberal leader – after Robert Menzies, Malcolm Fraser and John Howard – to win government from Labor.
The Rudd and Gillard government failed Australians. Over six years:
- Labor massively increased spending and squandered its inherited surplus.
- Unemployment rose from 4.4% to 5.7%, with 205,000 more Australians unemployed.
- Electricity prices doubled.
- Australians were hit by the world’s largest carbon tax.
- Defence funding fell to its lowest level (percentage of GDP) since 1938.
- Our border security was in chaos.
The Abbott Government moved quickly to clean up Labor’s mess. Some of its achievements include:
- The repeal of Labor’s carbon tax, saving families an average of $550 a year.
- The repeal of Labor’s mining tax, restoring confidence to this important sector.
- Stopping the boats and the deaths at sea.
- Landmark free trade agreements with China, Japan and South Korea.
- Rolling out the largest infrastructure investment in Australia's history and ending five decades of indecision by approving an airport in Western Sydney.
- Delivering the lowest small business tax rate in half a century.
- Beginning the task of Budget repair.
- Strengthening national security legislation and providing more resources for our security and law enforcement agencies to keep us safe.
- Establishing Australia’s Medical Research Future Fund.
The Liberal and Nationals Government continued to build on Tony Abbott's achievements and make Australia stronger.
This included delivering: over two million jobs; significant tax relief; a stronger Defence Force and the landmark AUKUS agreement; a balanced Budget prior to COVID; and a pandemic response that saved lives and delivered a stronger economic recovery than any major advanced economy.
We didn’t get everything right in Government. We have a responsibility to learn the lessons from our defeat and work to deliver a stronger future.
But today we wanted to reflect on a proud moment in our history, pay tribute to Tony Abbott and his team and say thank you to our supporters across the country.
Liberal HQ