NATO Chief announces Ukraine is on an 'irreversible path' to NATO membership
What say you just play footy?

Annabel Crabb - on top of Albanese, again.


In her own wishy washy, bit here, bit there, way ….. Annabel Crabb has sort of, kind of, had a little wee bit of a go at Therapeutic Albo:


The footage of Anthony Albanese attempting to cope with the febrile environment outside Parliament House at Sunday's domestic violence rally is nearly unwatchable.

Not because he's a bad guy. But because it is just difficult to watch a political leader — whose entire skill set is supposed to be about competent judgement under fire — get it so horribly wrong.


Then she’s blamed Scott Morrison:

When you make the call to go somewhere in order to comfort distressed or traumatised people, then you have to be prepared to deal with those people as you find them.

Scott Morrison's family holiday to Hawaii during the bushfires is regularly cited as his low-point. And sure, the cover-up and the "I don't hold a hose" comment weren't great.

But the worst and most enduring image of that time is actually the point at which the then-PM went to Cobargo and greeted an exhausted firefighter, who HAD been holding a hose, and declared himself unwilling to shake the jovially proffered prime ministerial hand. 

It still is their ABC. 

Good to see you on top again Annabel.
